- CNG Products
- Compressor Packaging
- Cooling Water Systems
- De Nox / AIG Skids
- Fuel Forwarding Skids
- Gas Conditioning Skids
- Gas Seal Panels
- High-Speed Reciprocating Compressor Packaging
- Lube Oil Consoles
- Screw Compressor Packaging
- Power Generation Custom Retrofits & Upgrades
- Pressure Vessels
- Water Injection Skids
- Wellhead Compression

Wellhead Compression
Wellhead compression is used to extend the life of a natural gas or oil well and increase the well’s productivity. Added compression provides the boost needed to accommodate the higher line pressures as the well ages. The increased volume over an extended lifetime provides a financial offset to the cost of the compression.
Find out how a Cobey Wellhead Compressor can save you money and help you extract more gas from your well by contacting us at cobey@cobey.com.
Wellhead compressors consist of electric, or gas engine drivers mounted to reciprocating or screw compressor elements and are portable to move them easily from well to well. The compressors are skidded with or without enclosures and smaller units can be trailer mounted.
Cobey’s wellhead compression design will produce added gas volumes across a broad range of operating conditions. Cobey has designed its wellhead compression unit with a complete enclosure allowing protection from the elements and significant sound dampening. The use of a screw compressor adds further noise reduction and less pulsation / vibration concerns. The self-contained unit allows for quick set up and tear down for added flexibility across your production acreage.
Cobey’s new wellhead gas compressor is designed for ultimate flexibility, high reliability and fast start up.
- Base unit capable of 2.66 MMSCFD discharging into a 300 PSIG gathering pipeline, 400 PSIG also available
- Containerized—The fully-assembled, plug-and-play system is enclosed in an easy-to-ship, 40’ ISO container
- No loose parts or site assembly required, reducing site commissioning time and cost
- 530 HP EPA Certified Waukesha Rich-Burn gas engine runs on wellhead gas
- Capable of a wide range of inlet pressures (3-100 PSIG), using an integral inlet gas regulator
- Integral hydraulic systems to drive all auxiliary systems (pumps and fans), avoiding any need for additional site power
- Highly customizable to suit individual users and gas conditions
- On-board control panel with HMI, accessible from the exterior of the container
- Built in the USA, in the Marcellus-Utica region
Oil-flooded screw compressor benefit vs. comparable reciprocating options:
- Operational flexibility, without package modification
- Higher reliability and longer maintenance intervals
- Lower maintenance costs, fewer consumable parts
- Higher compression ratio capability in a single-stage body, compared to 3-4 stage reciprocating options
- Lower noise and higher frequency, easier to mitigate
- Low vibration and pulsation, requiring simpler foundation design and eliminating dampening

- Associated Codes & Standards
- ANSI B31.3
- ASME U Div. 1